Omega 3 Oils and Omega 6 Fatty Acids

Supplements  Omega 3 Oils

Perhaps the number one

Anti Aging Supplement,

the case for Omega 3

Oils and Omega 6 Fatty

Acids is overwhelming.

Collectively known as

Omega Fatty Acids,

they are important for

all systems of your body to function normally and therefore

necessary for health.

Some Omega Fatty Acids are termed "essential" because they

cannot be produced by the body, and so must be obtained from

your diet.

Groups of Essential Fatty Acids

There are two families of essential fatty acids:

Omega 3 Fatty Acids (also known as Omega 3 Oils) and Omega-6

Fatty Acids.

The three main types of the first family important to humans are

i) Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA)

ii) Eicosapentanoic Acid (EPA

iii)Docosahexanoic Acid(DHA).

The main Omega 6 Fatty Acid is Linoleic Acid

You will benefit from these 2 families of Essential Fatty Acids,

if you get them into your diet in the correct proportions.

Science suggests that we should be eating twice as much Omega 6

Fatty Acids as Omega 3 Oils so that your Omega 6 to Omega 3

ratio is 2:1.

How Can I Improve My Intake of Omega 3 Oils?

As good as they are for your brain, many modern diets

are deficient. Ironically, if you eat a typical modern diet, you

probably get plenty of Omega 6 Fatty Acids from corn, soybean,

and other oils in processed food. But Omega 3 Oils, are often


Remember that it’s the balance of these supplements in your diet

which provides the beneficial effects.

You can boost your supplement intake by:

i) Eating organically raised, "free-range" meats since these

animals tend to have grazed on plants high in these supplements.

ii) Eating eggs from ‘cage-free’ or ‘free-range’ hens. Many

farms now feed their hens food rich in Omega 3 Oils. Check your

local supermarket for ‘free-range’ eggs.

iii) Eating a variety of dark green leafy vegetables such as

spinach, kale, collards, arugula, dandelion greens, broccoli,

rabe, purslane, dark lettuces.

iv) Eating cold-water fish regularly, preferably deep-ocean

fish, Shellfish and Molluscs. Salmon, sardines, bluefish,

herring, mackerel, trout, tuna, whitefish, Atlantic cod, shrimp,

and halibut are all good sources.

v) Getting some walnuts, hemp seeds, and legumes (such as kidney

beans) into your diet.

vi) Supplementing with ground flaxseed or flaxseed oil (since it

becomes rancid quickly, make sure it is fresh and refrigerated),

microalgae, and seaweeds.

vii) Supplementing with good Omega 3 Oils

Omega 6 Fatty Acids are found naturally in Olive Oil, Pumpkin

seeds, Wheat germ, Raw Nuts and Seeds and Sesame Oil.

How are Omega Oils beneficial as an Anti Aging Supplement?

As far as being an Anti Aging Supplement, they are beneficial

for 2 reasons:

i) They are an important constituent of your brain: Both

supplement types are stored in the cell membranes of tissues and

the '3' constituent comprises about 30% of the gray matter in

your brain. It’s also one of the largest ‘consumers’ of DHA; a

normal adult human brain contains more than 20 grams of DHA.

Both Omega Oils are beneficial because they provide fluidity to

cell membranes and improve communication between brain cells.

They also help to boost learning power and may help to ‘lift’

our mood; so maybe they should be called ‘Happy Oils’!

ii) They are an important constituent of cell membranes and

therefore have a beneficial effect on all the major body

systems, including the immune, circulatory, respiratory and

endocrine systems. A Sufficient intake of these supplements may

help to stop your skin from becoming dry and flaky, improve

firmness and maintain skin structure.